What is your ethnicity?

Ghanaian, black African.

What do you do and what do you love about it?

I’m a Senior VFX Matchmove Artist, having been in the industry for over a decade. Working in VFX as a Matchmove artist allows me to recreate and provide a CG camera to all the remaining departments to complete a shot. Without a 3D camera, it can sometimes be impossible to complete a VFX shot, so I feel I have an important role to play on the pipeline.

What motivates and inspires you?

My motivations come from my kids and aging parents. My parents have always supported my choices and put everything on the line to give me a better life, and it motivates me to do the same for them and my kids as they all grow respectively.

If people want to learn more about you, where can they go?

You can learn more about me on my website www.koansah.com but if anyone wanted to reach out, I’m often active in LinkedIn. You can find the link via my website.
all work © daniella gyambibi ♡