What is your ethnicity?
Black British of Nigerian descent
What do you do and what do you love about it?
I'm the CEO of Navii Media, an accessible digital and events company set up for marginalized communities to share their stories, whether that be on our website
NaviiMedia.com or through our events such as The Midnight Commune and Queer Prom. I love working in the arts, it allows me to be creative all the time and work with the most beautiful souls, its a reminder to me that our voices and existences matter and can't wait to see our future together!
What motivates and inspires you?
I've realised anger has been a driving emotion for the work I do. Being Black and queer, when you're angry people love to paint you as the angry Black woman, we're not allowed to be passionate. For so many years I suppressed my anger because I didn't want society to turn on me. When I realised, it was old ways and discrimination that said Black people can't be rightfully angry or passionate about the wrong in the world. Now I've learnt and still am learning to see anger not as something bad but as a sign that I'm alive, that I care and that I want to do something. There were a number of specific events in my life over the past 7 years that triggered anger in me, I wanted to change the world and remember that I'm NOT the one that needs changing. I want to inspire Black folks to be themselves, to be passionate, to feel their emotions and not have them invalidated. The same goes for the marginalized communities we support, so much of this world tells us to be quiet and accept the bare minimum. I want more for us and we deserve it :)
If people want to learn more about you, where can they go?
my main IG is @JournalsOfDami, Navii Media' IG @NaviiMedia and my illustration IG @VisualsByJOD